:tocdepth: 1 .. _brant: Brant Watson ============ A human who doesn't know how to write his own bio but does know how throw together quotes he likes and then pretend that it's content. *"A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."* — Albert Einstein *"Everybody is identical in their secret unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone else."* — David Foster Wallace *"For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love."* — Carl Sagan *"No reference is truly direct—every reference depends on some kind of coding scheme. It's just a question of how implicit it is."* — Douglas Hofstadter .. toctree:: :caption: 2019 Articles ../articles/2019/editorial/article_35 ../articles/2019/recommendations/recommend_01 ../articles/2019/editorial/article_34 .. toctree:: :caption: 2018 Articles ../articles/2018/other/other_01 ../articles/2018/editorial/article_31 ../articles/2018/editorial/article_29 .. toctree:: :caption: 2017 Articles ../articles/2017/editorial/article_23 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_19 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_16 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_13 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_11 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_10 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_9 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_7 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_6 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_5 ../articles/2017/editorial/article_1 ../articles/2017/tech/1_pretty_cli ../articles/2017/satire/satire_1 ../articles/2017/satire/satire_2 ../articles/2017/satire/satire_4