:tocdepth: 1 .. _article_35: Assuaging Assange ================= .. container:: center by :ref:`brant` 2019-05-29 The United States Department of Justice has officially charged Julian Assange with "conspiracy to commit computer intrusion". In essence it alleges that he agreed to break the password to a government computer system, specifically SPIRNet (Secret Internet Protocol Network). One of two things is at play here. Either the charges are completely and utterly fabricated because the Justice Department has a bone to pick with Assange, or our security systems are so woefully inadequate that it's probably being hacked on a near constant basis by other countries' intelligence agencies. I'm going to assume it's the former because the alternative makes the United States look so utterly inept that I wouldn't even know how to analyze the problem. It's easy to *say* "As a computer scientist, I can tell you that the charges are likely to be fabricated". And you'd either have to trust me or not trust me and that would probably depend a lot more on your own existing feelings about the case more than it would anything else. A more fun (for me anyway) approach is to explain exactly HOW some of these systems work and exactly WHY the charges appear to be so superficially fabricated. All reasonably secure authentication systems use some permutation of the system I describe here. .. warning:: Technical jargon ahead Hashing ------- To understand how authentication systems work one first needs to understand the concept of a **hash** function. Hash functions take an input value (perhaps some text) and output a fixed-length value. ============ ============================================ Input Output ============ ============================================ foo ``0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33`` pumpkin ``5f13610453fd0dabebe3d680e0b2990619bf138c`` rty567 ``bf852edfe746e92eb511d724b126292d65d3cd8d`` longpassword ``07f0a6c13923fc3b5f0c57ffa2d29b715eb80d71`` ============ ============================================ Even a very long input value yields a fixed lenth result: ``asfdasf07f0aasddsf6c13923fc3bsadfdsaf5f0c57ffa2d29b715eb8sfsda0d71`` becomes ``eca85ee20d13f61559ab3321bd21bf1f8a3f7260`` There are two important features of a hash function. The first we already noted—the output must always be a fixed length regardless of the input, and second—the function cannot be reversed. This makes them "one-way" operations. You can convert any input to a hash value but you cannot convert a hash back into the input value. There are complicated and cool mathematical reasons this is possible but the important thing to understand is that you can't go in reverse. You cannot derive an input value from the output value. Storing Passwords ----------------- When creating a password system, there is a location where the information necessary to check a password is stored. Surprisingly though, authentication systems don't actually store your passwords anywhere; they store the *hash*. This normally comes in the form of a mapping between a username and a password hash value: ============ ============================================ Username Hash ============ ============================================ jane ``0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33`` chris ``5f13610453fd0dabebe3d680e0b2990619bf138c`` fred ``bf852edfe746e92eb511d724b126292d65d3cd8d`` ayshe ``07f0a6c13923fc3b5f0c57ffa2d29b715eb80d71`` ============ ============================================ Then when you login, it takes the password you provided, calculates it's hash value and then checks it's table of usernames and hashes. So if ``jane`` tries to login and enters the password ``foo``, the system hashes the password which results in ``0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33`` and it's the hash value that is checked against. If the hash of the provided password matches the hash that is stored in the system, then the user is authenticated and all is well. If it is not, then the login attempt is rejected. This seems rather convoluted at first glance. Why store hash values instead of the passwords? Imagine that someone has deep access to a system, is a spy or disgruntled, and steals the data. They now have usernames and password hashes, but not the actual passwords! Remember that you cannot derive the input for a given hash; it's a one-way operation. So even if someone steals the usernames and password hashes, they couldn't use that information to login. This means the system can remain secure even if the data gets stolen. There is a problem though. What if someone pre-calculated a bunch of hash values for common passwords? If this happened, they could check the hashes against the list of pre-computed values and gain access if any matched. If a hacker computes that the value ``foo`` becomes ``0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33`` and then they see that the hash value ``0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33`` is the hash associated with the user ``jane`` then they would know that Jane's password is ``foo``. This means that with a lot of effort someone could—in theory—reverse the hash just pre-computing tons of potential values. It will still be hard if the users have chosen good passwords, but it is within the realm of possibility. To combat this, another technique is added to the mixture called "salting". Salting ------- Salt comes in various flavors but the general idea is this: Append a value to every password so that pre-computed values are useless. Each system should use a unique salt. For example, if you set a systems salt to ``0xdeadbeef`` then instead of the password ``foo``, the password becomes ``foo0xdeadbeef``. The hash value of ``foo`` is ``0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33``, but the hash value of ``foo0xdeadbeef`` is ``6c0ef9d96864de01773a116c83acc9af7bf8c4e1`` which is totally different. The system adds a bit of spice to the passwords it's setting and using. That means any pre-computed values are useless. Someone could spend a year computing hash tables for millions of common passwords, but none of them would match if the system was also salting its passwords. Typically each authentication system uses it's own unique salt. That means that you can't pre-compute values for a known salt because every single system is going to be storing a different hash value for the same password. Cheating via pre-computing eliminated! Suppose though that even if you've made a good system that adequately is hashing and salting passwords, someone really wants to try to reverse a salted hash. They're a state-level entity with nearly unlimited resources so they try calculating all hashes for common passwords PLUS common salts. They can spend 3 years pre-computing all of these values because they've got millions of dollars to throw at the problem. How to you ensure that even a well funded intelligence agency can't crack your hashes if they somehow get stolen? Fortunately for the paranoid out there, there is another technique which is used in conjunction with hashing and salting: Multi-Hashing. Multi-Hashing ------------- Multi-Hashing expands the space of possible hashes for a password even further than merely salting does. It works by calculating the hash of the hash as if it were a password too—over and over multiple times. For example: Password: ``foo`` Salt: ``0xdeadbeef`` Recall from the previous section that the hash of ``foo0xdeadbeef`` is ``6c0ef9d96864de01773a116c83acc9af7bf8c4e1``\ . Well, what happens if you compute the hash of ``6c0ef9d96864de01773a116c83acc9af7bf8c4e1``\ ? You get: ``d143f739ab54cd5fb40b08695ef44c659882914e``. What if you calculate the hash of that? You get: ``f5454aa7490de7d10c488d73c7f13926e6916f5e``. And so on. The key ingredient is to keep taking the resulting hash and feeding it back into the hash function, *n* number of times. By selecting a high but random number for your system, you end up with hash values that are extremely unique to your system. Maybe you select 2199. That means you keep hashing the result of the previous iteration that many times. There is another advantage to multi-hashing besides expanding the uniqueness of the hash values. Suppose you've a very fast computer and it can calculate 1000 hashes per second. That's fine if you're trying to figure out a hash value in a single iteration, but if it takes 2199 iterations to calculate one hash then your computer has slowed from 1000 tries per second to two seconds per try. The amount of computation required to do the hashing explodes tremendously. This has the effect of raising the cost even further; by the time you've selected a good hash function, salted the hash, and applied multi-hashing, then the amount of possible combinations explodes to more than the number of atoms in the known universe. It would take all the computers on the planet working together the lifetime of the universe several times over to compute all the possibilities. Conclusion ---------- What does this have to do with Assange? He's being charged with agreeing to break a password to SPIRNet (Chelsea Manning is the former intelligence analyst with whom Assange is said to have engaged in said conspiracy). The advantage of this is that it would have allowed Manning to impersonate another user when accessing classified materials which would have made it more difficult to determine who stole the data. *"The portion of the password Manning gave to Assange to crack was stored as a 'hash value' in a computer file that was accessible only by users with administrative-level privileges. Manning did not have administrative-level privileges, and used special software, namely a Linux operating system, to access the computer file and obtain the portion of the password provided to Assange." - Indictment: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE* In order to "crack" a password (which is shorthand for taking a hash value and determining what password was used to generate it) one needs the actual usernames and hash values. These being the crown jewels of the authentication system, a very very small select group of persons should have access to this data. An analyst—even one with top-secret clearance—should only have access to login to SPIRNet to access material related to their work, not access to all of the authentication systems underlying data. If Manning had physical access to the computers on which the hashes were stored and was able to access the data, it would mean that they were not encrypting their stored data. Assuming that Manning somehow got a hold of this map of usernames-hash values, if the system were properly salted and had multi-hash applied, then even with all of the resources of Wikileaks at his disposal, Assange would have no chance of cracking said passwords. When we hear about breaches of security with companies it's usually because they are using very bad security practices—either storing actual passwords instead of hash values or storing easily pre-computed hashes that aren't properly salted or multi-hashed. This happens, but it's usually the work of inexperienced or lazy computer professionals, NOT the high level experts tasked with securing classified intelligence material. If the security were that lax, state-level intelligence agencies from other countries would long ago have breached our systems. If the accusations against Assange are true then SPIRNet is a woefully insecure system. If that's not the case then the charges against Assange must be fabricated.