A Society of Victimhood

What’s wrong with today’s society! I can think of one word that truly stops us from finding success at Coming together and unifying our country. Victimization.

Even at the lowest levels. Blaming someone else for another’s misfortune. Redirecting blame instead of finding the disease and supplying a cure. We have forgotten how to be specific, because that takes accountability.

Being accountable doesn’t always mean you have all the answers, but it does mean you will work tirelessly to finding an solution. Look at your closest peer groups, it’s not hard to spot that one person who always points a finger. But we as Americans have amplified that attribute to a national platform.

White privilege, Inherent culture racism, systemic racism, and the list goes on. We have redefined the terms of racist, bigot, and sexist in America. They are used so broadly that it has become hard to pinpoint the exact facts about the obstruction lurking behind the curtain.

That same proverbial curtain that is destined to stifle the basic components of our individual freedom. If you pinpoint the exact instance of institutional racism, I’ll stand by you in front of the the firing line. But when it is used as hate speech, to blockade free speech, I draw a line in the sand. It’s a sin against the fabric of our country.

So I leave it at this, let’s start being responsible to ourselves by pinpointing facts, so we can have a coherent debate. A debate that will spark a fire to redefine politics as we know it. Or simply put, let’s cut the bullshit.

There are always problems, but we stop building the cornerstone of success the moment we are no longer resolute to power of accountability.


A house divided, can not stand. — A. Lincoln